
Some basic infomation

The Darkshire Guard was formed by Noble Danius Stormeye at the age of 47. Even though the force was not called the Darkshire Guard, instead was a un-named militia of local farmers, salesmen and freelance mercenaries, the main aims of the force are still the same. Different foes come and go, however the guidelines of Commander Danius Stormeye still stand strong.

The Start Of A Very Long Road

The Darkshire Guard  first came to mind when Danius Stormeye ventured though in search for land to develope. With his settlers he came across a broken and dark town. Danius and his settlers took pity apon the broken civilians, forgotten by Stormwind and its greedy Nobles. Danius being a Noble himself was disgraced to see lands so close to their powerful and rich City, rot and suffer in the wake of the undead hordes. The very same night, Danius and his settlers camped in the fields surrounding what is now known as Darkshire. Within a week his wealth and charisma had formed a well armed, trained and maned militia. Within months the Nobles had heared of this large force, defending the people of Duskwood. The Nobles called Noble Danius Stormeye to Stormwind City, for a proposition. One which would change him, the people and Stormwinds life forever.

The Slow Recovery For Duskwood

The Darkshire Militia continued to grow, increase trade and the reputation of Darkshire. Untill Danius was called to into the Keep, where he's pressence in the Noble Chambers was lacking. Danius saw bleak things from this meeting. However, when he returned it was great news for all who are involved in Darkshire. The Darkshire Militia had been accepted into the Stormwind Army. It was re-named The Darkshire Guard. Now under the offical banner of Stormwind, it grew. Times where improving for Darkshire at that point.

A Change In Leadership

After around 30 years of service, Commander Danius Stormeye sadly passed away at the age of 77. This left the position open to a new generation. Jacob Stormeye, his nephew stepped up to the task. To this very day, Jacob Danius Stormeye is Commander of the Darkshire Guard, and leads the Guard to new goals and aims. Including Operation Stranglehold and their push to stop smuggerling down south and Operation Airborne, a operation to have planes available to drop aid packages in the aftermarth of a natural disaster.